Gary and I graduated in different departments, and everyone was supposed to stick with their departments for graduation. We wanted to walk through the "D" together so someone let me go with his department so we could. Gary graduated with his Bachelor's in Computer Information Technology, and I graduated with my Bachelor's in Art and English.
We wrote on the card that said our names, "Gary, Megan, and Baby Schaugaard" so that they would announce it like that, but they just said "Gary Schaugaard and Megan Lee Schaugaard", but they did let us walk through at the same time. We did think it would be hilarious if I had a water balloon between my legs and pretended to have my water break as we walked through.
Ashley (our cousin) graduated too. After the ceremony, someone from The Spectrum interviewed us and we are quoted in yesterday's paper. You can read the article here. Afterwards, all the family came to our house for a big party to celebrate.

This is my nephew, Jajue wearing my graduation cap.
This is Ashley, Gary, and I. Good thing graduation gowns are pretty much one size fits all, or I wouldn't fit!
Congrats on Graduating! Now you dont have to worry about school anymore! Woot!
WOOHOOO! Isnt graduating just a great feeling? I secretly miss the homework however! I would be a full time student forever if I could.
And whatever!!! You are the cutest prego girl EVER!!!
Congratulations again! And good luck in the pursuit of hobbies!
CONGRATS again to you both!! What an great accompishment! I love that pic of Jajue...he is such a cutie!!
YEAH!! Congrats!! That is so cool you got it done! And you still look awesome in the robe and being prego. I'm way excited to see the baby! Seriously, congrats to both of you.
Congrats!! I am soo jealous!! I love that you guys graduated the same time! That is so awesome!! Congrats congrats!! Now go have that baby!
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