Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Baby Update

Well the baby got out of NICU today hurray! now we are all chillen up with mom.  Mom is tired and sore but doing good and trying to get this baby thing down.  We all should leave the hospital tomorrow. I cant weight to bust out of here and go on our first walk.  The baby was asking today when he can go to the beach and swim. I told him he would have to wait for a while. just want to tell all our friends we are doing great.

O yeah a huge thanks for all of the support and help from everyone. you are all great friends.



Dione said...

Yea!! I'm so glad Meg and the babe our doing well. Good job Meg you are amazing, 23 hours bless your heart, your going to heaven for sure :) CONGRATS love ya

Elena Loo said...

So glad things are going well! Going home is nice. I hope you guys have taken advantage of letting the nurses help with the baby so you can all sleep

...Does this baby have a name yet? :) I'm dying to know.

Congrats on the beautiful boy. I'm so excited to see him!

Candace said...

Meg congrats! I feel for ya on the 23 hour thing, not fun! I'm glad he's out of the NICU and I hope your feeling better! What a cutie!

Brittany said...

Congrats! Now he just needs a name!