These are from our ultra sound last week. This is our little one. I am so excited to meet him! Only about 11 weeks left!
So the name that I like is Hudson. I found it in a book I had to read in my Major American Authors class last semester when I first got pregnant. I have basically really liked this name for the whole pregnancy so far and have just been waiting for Gary to like it. It looks like I am still waiting. Apparently kids will call our little boy a piece of hud if we name him that; I personally really don't think that he will get teased for it.
This is what everything is supposed to be looking like right now:

Oh, I wanted to add that last night before we went to sleep, Gary leaned over and told the baby goodnight and that he was not going to go to sleep until he felt a kick telling him goodnight. I highly doubted that he would get one because it seemed that the baby was asleep cause he hadn't been kicking for a little bit. Well right after Gary said that to him, there was a big kick. Guess he already can understand his daddy. It was super cute!
Love the pics!! Only 11 weeks to go!! How exciting! We've gotta have a crazy fun party this weekend for all the bdays!! YAY!
That is so exciting! I love the name Hudson, and a far as the teasing thing goes... kids always find something in any name. Some people ask for it in some names like I know this little kid named Pansie, and kids tease him.
I love the name Hudson! I saw someone else posted the name Fisher. Also cool, but should probably be spelled another way. However, and this is big, DO NOT name him Hudson Fisher in order to make everyone happy...haha that would be a recipe for disaster! Tell Gary his FAVORITE Aunt said to suck it up...ask Uncle Scott about all the grief he gave Debbie about names!!! Obadiah Hezekiah. Oh, and, I don't know if you know this but Max's name was on his birth certificate as Tyler and when Scott was giving him his blessing he said, "The name he shall be Maxwell Tyler Houghton." You could hear the audible gasp in the congregation!! Also, Heather didn't want to name Liberty her name even though she was due on the 4th of July because she thought it was cheesy. We all loved it and she succumbed to our pressure...can you imagine Libby as any other name? Nope!
I am glad all is going well. You guys look fabulous. I wish I could be at the shower, I miss you all so much!! Love you both!
Oh he's cute. that would make Gary Hud since he will be HudSON.. maybe that's why gary doesn't like it yet. the way i see it though. when boys carrie the babies they can have the last say on the name :)
Man, I am WAY excited for you. I wish I could see your belly. You should post some pictures of your cute pregnancy self! (at least for documentation purposes) The baby looks way cute from the ultra-sound. I am excited to see him in real life too. I'm just call him Hudson. If everyone does, then sooner or later Gary will just have to except the fact that Hudson is his boy's name.
Those pics are awesome! Where did you get them done at? Mark and I liked the name Hudson too. Not on our top but it is on the list.
Cute! Love the pictures! I cant wait until you have the baby! Im so excited for you! I love the name Hudson!
I love the name Hudson!! Very cute! :) And those pictures are awesome! I am so happy for you guys! You will be awesome parents!
I LOVE ultrasound pictures!!! I love the one with his mouth cute! I think the name Hudson is adorable! Whats up with guys not liking the names us girls pick out...Casey and I are not prego...but I have a girl name picked out and he hates it...guess they will just have to deal with it!
i agree Hudson is very cute, I think that since your the one to be pregnant for 10 months and go through labor..your name vote counts 2 times :)
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