Well last week we tried to get all our homework done and headed down to Monticello where Gary's grandparents live. We went up to the mountains to camp and see if we could spot some big bucks.
This is the view from town. This mountain is called Horse Head Mountain because it always looks like it has a horse's head on it. The fall colors were so awesome.

This is what I like about hunting:
- seeing bucks
- nature's beauty
- camping
- getting good exercise by hiking up the big hills
- eating good food (Gary's grandma makes me my very own zucchini bread and cinnamon rolls with no nuts in them to take up the mountain, and they literally have my name on them)
- being with good company
This is what I don't like about hunting:
- sitting for hours on end in one spot, while getting a sore behind, trying not to move at all or make too much noise, and the whole time not seeing anything.
Turns out that before we even got there, Gary's dad shot a 4 point. We ended up seeing a lot more bucks than we did last year. Later on, Gary's uncle Dave got a 5 point. Grandpa saw some little ones but couldn't shoot them, in case a big one came. Gary almost got one, but I guess he got buck fever or something.
We definitely still ended up with meat to take home from Dave's deer. I will just say that I've had my share of handling raw meat. When we got home, we cut it all up right away for roasts, steaks, and fajita meat. Today we ground the rest into deer burger. We also saved some for jerky. Gary and I are having a Jerky making competition. We both got our own bag to marinate however we wanted. I will admit I added almost every ingredient in the kitchen that might possibly taste good on it. Gary of course smothered his with Frank's Hot Sauce and jalepenos. Our friends are going to be the judges.
Here's the meat in the marinade. We'll see who wins!
We just put them in the smokers tonight.
Looks like you guys had a fun time hunting!! We will have to some more meat here in a few weeks and make a TON of jerky!! yum yum
Hey, whose the lady in the red shirt that says 'Roosevelt' on it? Is she from Roosevelt?
Love the pic of you guys!
the picture belongs in a movie or story book. love it! Glad you had fun with the hunting. That is still something I've never done... I might be ok with that.
Megan I just checked out your art gallery- AMAZING!!! You are so incredibly talented!
I used to go hunting all the time with my dad when I was youger. Lots of good memories! Looks like you had fun!
Also I changed my blog to private, but I sent you an email to your gmail address so you can still view it!
Hey, I don't think we have ever met, but I am Gina's older sister. So, your second cousin. I think I have met most of the rest of your family though. Anyway, I ran across your blog through Gina's and then checked out your art blog. You have a real gift! WOW!!
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