Finally, he has a name! After leaving the birth certificate information paper blank under his first name in the hospital, after referring to him as "little guy" or "hey you" or "buckaroo", after his window in the NICU was the only one decorated with no name and just pictures, after being named Braden, Thor, Liff, and Sven by the nurses, after taking him to get checked for Jaundice twice, each time having to tell the people that he was just known as Boy Schaugaard, after actually being okay with the name Torture Boy just so that he would actually have a name, after scheduling for Boy Schaugaard's 2 week appointment at the doctor, after millions of inquiries as to what this little boy's name is...drum roll please....his name is Tucker J Schaugaard, and we love him more than we could ever imagine!

Yay! Im glad you picked a name out for him. He is super cute!
Great name! I'm so glad you were able to decide. He's such a great looking baby - just so adorable.
Congrats Meg and Gary- we love you!
Congratulations on naming that adorable little boy! Love the name!
LOVE the name Tucker! Totally fits his little face too!
Congratulations you guys! He's darling.
Those pictures are so cute! I love his little smile!Amber is upset now that she didn't come down last weekend. She has told her friend that she won't be staying with her again when we come down.
so cute. love the name! :D
He is stinkin' cute! Love the name also...
Bring him up here and come visit!
I love Tucker, he is such a sweet baby! Next time we are in St. George we will have to have a play date!!
Tucker is perfect for that cute little guy! I love those new pictures!! He looks like daddy if you ask me!
It's about time :) i still loved him without a name
He is adorable!! I love his name...that is so cute! Have lots of fun being new goes by much faster than you could ever imagine.
Congrats!!! I'm so excited for you! He is such a cute little guy and good job on the name, very cute.
I hate to break it to you but we are totally going to call your baby Tucker T. Fudpucker! We'll have to explain later, just know that it is going to happen! Dang Dave and Rowdy... Love ya!
Gary- I loathe facebook and myspace, I think they are ridiculous, or haven't you heard? :)
Congrats you guys. He is so beautiful! I'm due in 3 weeks and we haven't picked a name yet. We might be calling her Girl Berger for a while :)
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